New Varia Issue | DevPol 4.2 | 2013
The first section focuses on major development policy issues and presents original, peer-reviewed articles dealing with aid, trade, finance, human rights as well as social and environmental issues.
The policy debate section presents an initial discussion paper written either by a scholar or a policy-maker, followed by critical reactions from academics, reflective practitioners and other stakeholders in a constructive spirit. The debates can be followed here on the eJournal’s blog where you are invited to share your reflections under your name.
Eduardo A.Cavallo and Eduardo Fernández-Arias
Joan Apecu
François-Xavier Merrien
Axel Marx and Jadir Soares
Policy Debate
Commodity Trading
Policy Coherence in a Top Trading Hub: Switzerland-
Werner Thut
Alexandra GilliesA response to “Commodities and Switzerland: Development Policy Challenges and Policy Options” by Werner Thut.
Humberto CampodónicoA response to “Commodities and Switzerland: Development Policy Challenges and Policy Options” by Werner Thut.
Stéphane GraberA response to ‘Commodities and Switzerland: Development Policy Challenges and Policy Option’ by Werner Thut
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Maren Schulte (1 juin 2013). New Varia Issue | DevPol 4.2 | 2013. Policy Debate. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse