Video | ‘Drug Policies and Development: Conflict and Coexistence’, a conversation with the co-editors
The co-editors of the 12th thematic issue of International Development Policy – Mary Chinery-Hesse, the first woman Chancellor of the University of Ghana; Khalid Tinasti, Executive Secretary of the Global Commission on Drug Policy and Julia Buxton, Professor at the University of Manchester, UK, explain the rationale behind this issue.
The 12th thematic issue of International Development Policy explores the tension between development and drug control goals, both current and historical. The volume of fifteen articles draws on a broad spectrum of thematic issues to address the following key questions: Are prohibition and development mutually exclusive or complementary international agendas? How do the harms associated with drug policy enforcement undermine development prospects? The diverse group of authors highlights the corrosive effects of criminalisation and prohibition – based approaches on the livelihoods and fundamental rights of those who are vulnerable, including women, children, people who count on drug cultivation and trafficking to make a living, and people who use drugs. They also address the limitations and feasibility of development – focused interventions in drug control strategies within the context of the prohibition paradigm.
Read the 15 chapters on (open access):
Reference of the thematic issue: Buxton, J., M. Chinery-Hesse and K. Tinasti (Eds) (2020) Drug Policies and Development: Conflict and Coexistence, thematic issue International Development Policy, 12 | 2020 (Geneva and Leiden: The Graduate Institute, Brill | Nijhoff),
Reference of chapter 1: Buxton J., K. Tinasti and M. Chinery-Hesse (2020) ‘Are Barriers to Sustainable Development Endogenous to Drug Control Policies?’ in J. Buxton, M. Chinery-Hesse and K. Tinasti (Eds), Drug Policies and Development: Conflict and Coexistence, International Development Policy, 12 | 2020 (Geneva and Leiden: The Graduate Institute, Brill | Nijhoff),
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DevPol Journal (8 octobre 2020). Video | ‘Drug Policies and Development: Conflict and Coexistence’, a conversation with the co-editors. Policy Debate. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse