Interviews | ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ explained by authors, practionners and policy makers
DevPol Journal
Publié 10/10/2012
· Mis à jour 21/10/2019
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and read the book online : ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement , 3 | 2012,
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, National Director of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) discusses South Africa’s role in aid.
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Mi Zhou, Deputy-Director of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Institute of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC) in Beijing discusses ‘China as an Aid Actor’.
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Marcel Tanner, Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Parasitology at the University of Basel, and Director of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute points to the ‘The Secret of Good Partnerships’.
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Pedro da Motta Veiga, Director of Centro de Estudos de Integração e Desenvolvimento (CINDES) in Rio de Janeiro discusses ‘Brazil: from Recipient to Donor Country’.
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Caroline Morel, Director of Swissaid, discusses civil society’s role in aid.
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Michel Mordasini, Assistant Director-General of SDC discusses ‘What Relevance for Tomorrow’s Aid?’
On 3 October 2012, the e-journal International Development Policy launched its special issue entitled ‘Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies’ ( ) at a conference examining challenges facing the ‘aid industry’ that cut across the rich/poor and North/South divides. The special issue, as well as the conference, examined these challenges and the responses of traditional and emerging donors, including Brazil, China and South Africa. Held at the University of Bern (UNIBE), the event was co-organised with UNIBE’s Centre for Development and Environment, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( ). Here, Phouang Parisak Pravongviengkham, Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic discusses aid and poverty in Laos.
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